www.danilosama.ph | #02
www.danilosama.ph | #02
www.danilosama.ph | #03
www.danilosama.ph | #04




« Je suis rital et je le reste, et dans le verbe et dans le geste, vos saisons sont devenues miennes, mais ma musique est italienne. »

― Claude Barzotti, Le rital (1983)

Originally from Rome (Italy, 1984),
Danilo Samà has lived abroad for the past fifteen years, between Aarhus (Denmark), Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium), Hamburg (Germany), Toulouse (France), and Brussels (Belgium). Active in the music industry for twenty years, he currently lives and works in Paris (France), where his clicks portray the Parisian night music scene and collaborates with both French and Italian artists (in a “rital” fashion). His photographs are regularly published in newspapers and magazines. Realness is the key element of his photographic aesthetics/research.


« Everyone must do his own crap and have his own identity. I watch “Uomini e donne” and I’m not ashamed of anything. I know who Tina Cipollari is and I don’t turn around. I recognize that she exists. I deal with it. »

― Francesco Vezzoli, interview (2016)

Paris | MMXXIV